Labour and Manpower
Unemployment continues to be one of the most of the burning topics of the country as well of the State. Factors like high growth of population, rapid spread of general & technical education and training and lesser development in industrial & services sectors mostly aggravates the unemployment situation. It is, therefore, necessary to tackle this problem through accurate manpower planning and data pertaining to stock of different categories of manpower, particularly educated and trained manpower, employment and unemployment situation etc. are very much essential for making such planning fruitful. The fact book of "Manpower Series-1" was published in the year 1966 and contained information up to 1965. The availability of data in that report was reviewed in the Manpower cell of the State Planning and Co-ordination Department and it was felt that there was necessity to upto date the report. Since that period the Director, Economics and Statistics, Odisha, Bhubaneswar has been bringing out this "Fact Book of Manpower on quinquennial basis,
The objective of manpower planning is to mobilize the human resources properly and generate opportunities of full employment within a given time frame. A reliable database is the most important pre-requisite for manpower planning for faster social and economic development.
Periodicity of Publication
Labour and manpower division deals with preparation and publication of “FACT BOOK ON MANPOWER” on quinquennial basis..
The division collects data from different offices/institutions of 30 districts for preparation of “Fact Book on Manpower ’’for different series .Besides, the decennial Population Census, quinquennial NSS reports, Economic Censuses and annual Employment Exchanges are the major sources of information on working force and employment & unemployment position.
Reports published
The 8th series of “ Fact Book on Manpower’’ for the years from 2006-07 to 2015-16 REport has already been published on 2016. Preparation of 9th series the work is under progress.
Working of Employees Compensation Act, 1923,
Employees compensation act, 1923 data for the year ending 2015 have already been submitted to the Labour Bureau, Simla, Government of India. The data collection for the year 2016-17 is under progress.
Employment Un-employment survey
The division also conducts supervision work for Employment - Un-employment Survey on behalf of Ministry of Labour and Employment ,Labour Bureau, Chandigarh, Government of India.